Cafe Hack: Wednesday

3 minute read

Freshly recovered from a pancake day comatose (not me, I had a medley of cruciferous vegetables), we gathered for day 3 of our Cafe Hack. Once again the morning kicked off with a brief developer catch up, with the team keen to crack on with their respectable tasks. It was decided that everyone should focus their attention on the web app once loose ends had been tied up.

Not only was there synergy across the project itself, but also in Wednesday’s wardrobe choices — Henry, Jesús, and George all opting for matching maroon t-shirts. Cute. I’m not entirely sure if they’d coordinated before they’d left home, but I’m sure a Slack channel has the answer.


Anyway, back to business. James spent the morning working on the mobile app, specifically the change of quantities option. After lunch he focused on the barista web app package, making a start on the orders list.

Henry also made good progress on the mobile app — full guest mode was now live, meaning we can now see orders placed as well as availability and order status etc.

George continued with CRUD, pushing us further along the road to us using some live data. Sam was in deep with Semantic UI and managed get the routing working. Jesús spent time importing products from iZettle, which he found to be a pleasantly smooth process.

Luke was working on getting AWS Lambda data source into cloud formation configuration.

New tech - AWS AppSync. As with any new tech, it takes time to learn the product and how to use it properly. Some difficulties were encountered around the development — cloud formation set up, Lambda module resolution etc. but these were resolved and AppSync was cracked.

With the finish line in sight, it was agreed at the daily demo that Thursday should be spent putting all the pieces together.

Day 3, done. Easy like an espresso martini.

Written by Hugo Walker (Head of Marketing & Digital Content). Read more in Latest by Hugo or check our their socials , Instagram