Gravitywell hackathon 2019 - vamos a Malaga!
Those of you who are familiar with Gravitywell know that we really love a hackathon. The benefits — innovation, discovery, collaboration skills — are obviously important, but the process itself is where we draw the most value, and consider the hackathon to be at the heart of our culture as an agency.
After keeping it fairly close to home (Fowey, Cornwall) in 2018, we’re extremely excited to reveal that next month we’ll be flying to Malaga for our 2019 hackathon. ¡Emocionante! A special mention to our Studio Manager Laura for making this happen. Without Laura’s organisational skills, our Spanish hillside hacienda would likely be a roadside Travelodge on the M32.

We’re currently undecided on the project details for our hackathon, so stay tuned for updates. In fact, if you have any great ideas for us we’d love to hear them — tweet us, dammit! Once we arrive on location, you can expect daily updates in the form of blog posts and across our social media channels (many of which I intend to compose poolside, sangria in hand).
Until then, here are some highlights from our 2018 hackathon...